Monday, February 2, 2009

Working in film

Tomorrow I go to North Sea Films to do some more work on the upcoming film Lovely Still. As much as I love this work (wardrobe) it still kind of freaks me out to think about. I recently watched the current cut of the movie with Nik (Fackler, the director and screenwriter) and the movie blows me away even as it is. I looked in wonderment at the culmination of my work along with the rest of the crew and it amazed me. Right now I'm deciding to get psyched up to do a good job rather than be concerned that I can get it right again.
That brings to mind the other films I've worked on, all yet to be released. April Showers will be out first and I am excited for the future of this movie, even with the economy being as it is. I look forward to people seeing it and realizing there is no exploitation going on here. I am very proud to have worked on this film. In case I need to say, the movie is based on true events that happened at Columbine.
I also worked as wardrobe assistant on an independent science fiction film called The Scientist. This was quite different from the other films with a very small cast. many days were spent with just the main actor, Bill Sage. I quite enjoyed this filmmaking experience as well. I think this movie will be released in Novemeber, Lovely Still close to Christmas time.

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